domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

Frankenstein ...

How many similarities do we have related to Frankenstein (the “monster”)? Who is the “monster”, actually?
According to what we have discussed in classes I have found too many similarities among Frankenstein (the wretch monster”) and us, the human beings. For instance, how many times have we fell or see ourselves as outcasts? or how many times have we feel somehow that we do not belong here? Indeed, how many times have we been considered as weird as Frankenstein (the wretch “monster”) just because of being different?
Unfortunately, what society consider right or wrong (what society believes in), certainly, affects how we see ourselves, how we behave, or what is more; it affects how we look (the importance of physical appearance). In this sense, this wretch “monster” deals with discrimination and marginalization only because he is particularly different.
In short, how many times we call for diversity’s respect but the quality of being not alike is rejected? Otherness is set aside as inferior in quality only because it conflicts with the “normal”.

1 comentario:

Clau dijo...

Great ideas!!!
However, I didn't understand quite well the relationship between Junior and the impact on the way we may look according to what society "says" or states... can you go further in that point?

Take care,
